Travels with Midge (Hardcover)
Walking with a Border Collie
by Paul Watson
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About the Book
Midge is a Wiccaweys dog.
This book records the travels and adventures I have with my Border Collie Midge. All the stories herein are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, the litigious and the stupid. The stories are adapted from Midge’s website . The accounts areof our walks on the long distance footpaths in the UK. To document all our other walks and travels would fill an encyclopaedia!
£5 from the purchase of this book goes to Wiccaweys Rescued Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs.
This book records the travels and adventures I have with my Border Collie Midge. All the stories herein are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent, the litigious and the stupid. The stories are adapted from Midge’s website . The accounts areof our walks on the long distance footpaths in the UK. To document all our other walks and travels would fill an encyclopaedia!
£5 from the purchase of this book goes to Wiccaweys Rescued Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs.
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About the Creator
My name is Tammy Ward. I put together books about rescue dogs from 'Wiccaweys Rescued Border Collies and Working sheepdogs'. £5 from the purchase of every book in this bookstore goes to Wiccaweys.