The Adams Lessons on Truth Healing
by John Warren Smith
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About the Book
The author has recorded the 25 lessons on Truth healing the Rev. Joseph Adams taught in the 1800's. An Englishman born under Anglicanism, Adams was a sometimes Congregationalist and sometimes Methodist Minister who became an American devotee of Christian Science. He recorded the Christ Truth that Jesus spoke of in these words, "Ye shall know the Truth and the truth shall make you free" - free of all that keeps you out of the Kingdom of heaven.
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Religion & Spirituality
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 238 -
- Hardcover, Dust Jacket: 9781715241674
- Publish Date: Jul 23, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords healing
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