African Philosophy
A History
by Sampson Igboanugo
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About the Book
African philosophy as a systematic study has a very short history. The way of Africa and Africans, the understanding mentality, the reasoning and ideological senses. This history is also a very dense one, since actors sought to do in a few decades what would have been better done in many centuries. As a result, they also did in later years what ought to have been done earlier and vice versa, thus making the early and the middle epochs overlap considerably. The reason for this overtime endeavor is not far-fetched. Soon after colonialism, actors realized that Africa had been sucked into the global matrix unprepared. During colonial times, the identity of the African was European, his thought system, standard and even his perception of reality were structured by the colonial shadow which stood towering behind him. It was easy for the African to position himself within these Western cultural appurtenances even though they had no real-time connection with his being
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Education
- Additional Categories History, Biographies & Memoirs
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 154 -
- Softcover: 9781715305659
- Publish Date: Aug 07, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords African mentality, African Philosophy, Africa
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