Glory in Tribulations
Suffering in the Life of the Believer
by William Burnside Ph.D
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About the Book
The purpose of this book is to discover some of the great truths God has given us in His Word as to why we as redeemed fallen human beings suffer and what He has done about it and what He has prepared for us in eternity future and how to meet those sufferings and tribulations here and now.
James McGoldrick is Professor of Church History at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was previously Professor of History at Cedarville University, Ohio. He has written extensively on church history in both secular and theological journals.
"Bill and Minnie Burnside have learned to praise God when he gives them the "bread of adversity and the water of affliction" (Isaiah 30:20), and their firm faith in the Father's sovereignty is the foundation for their exuberant confidence. This book reminds believers that biblical hope means "confident expectation of what is surely to happen" (page 8). All who must endure trials providentially designed for God's glory and their eternal benefit would profit greatly through reading this warmly devotional treatment of suffering."
James McGoldrick is Professor of Church History at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was previously Professor of History at Cedarville University, Ohio. He has written extensively on church history in both secular and theological journals.
"Bill and Minnie Burnside have learned to praise God when he gives them the "bread of adversity and the water of affliction" (Isaiah 30:20), and their firm faith in the Father's sovereignty is the foundation for their exuberant confidence. This book reminds believers that biblical hope means "confident expectation of what is surely to happen" (page 8). All who must endure trials providentially designed for God's glory and their eternal benefit would profit greatly through reading this warmly devotional treatment of suffering."
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Religion & Spirituality
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 278 - Publish Date: Nov 29, 2009
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About the Creator
William Burnside
Sequim, WA
William Burnside taught for 21 years at John Brown University, was a missionary with his wife Minnie for three years in Taiwan, and most recently pastored Oak Bay Baptist Church in Port Hadlock, Washington, for five years. William Burnside has two other published works: The Honorable Powell Clayton, UCA Press, 1991. (UCA Press is University of Central Arkansas Press) The Essentials of European History: 1648 to 1789: Bourbon, Baroque and the Enlightenment, Research and Education Assn., 1990.