Northrop Cottage of Castine, Maine
Coffee Table Book
by Photos by Scott Linscott
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About the Book
About the Creator
Photographer | Writer | Life Coach | Humanitarian I married my wife, Robin in 1984 and we are still best friends today. Our family is our world. We love to travel together, explore, cycle back roads and learn new things. In 2012 all of what we had was threatened as liver disease devoured my liver. Thankfully, my oldest son gave me 60% of his liver in the transplant that gave me a second chance at life. Now, both Robin and I see every day as a bonus day. My recovery has been remarkable! In fact, in 2015, I completed the 180 mile, 3-day Trek Across Maine bicycle ride with the American Lung Association to mark my third transplant anniversary. Tears flowed freely for both of us as I crossed the finish. Our interests: We share a strong calling to make our world a better place by serving people trapped in poverty. We have been to Romania, Mexico, Guatemala and have served in a variety of locations here in the United States.