Lost in Canada
Instant and cinematic story
by Adrien charles, M42FLY
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About the Book
Polaroid and cinematic picture of Canada
I wanted to show that Art is everywhere, in every corner of any street if you takethe time to find it. I try to highlight the atmosphere, the mystery of an enviroment, show that each city has its own charm with an unique identity which characterizes it and that, at the same time, makes it differ form the others.
The Polaroid brings so much by reinforcing this idea of mystery. I hope to invest the viewer to imagine his own story through my images.
I wanted to show that Art is everywhere, in every corner of any street if you takethe time to find it. I try to highlight the atmosphere, the mystery of an enviroment, show that each city has its own charm with an unique identity which characterizes it and that, at the same time, makes it differ form the others.
The Polaroid brings so much by reinforcing this idea of mystery. I hope to invest the viewer to imagine his own story through my images.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Street Photography
- Additional Categories Canada
Project Option: 8×10 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 72 -
- Softcover: 9781034292623
- Publish Date: Jan 19, 2021
- Language French
- Keywords instant, cinematique, cinematic, Polaroid
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