2009 BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials - S Wilson
S Wilson Cover
by Scooter Grubb
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Sports & Adventure
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 160 - Publish Date: Dec 08, 2009
About the Creator
Scooter has been riding motorcyles for 40 years and has also been a camera junkie for a little longer than that. He has had the great good fortune to be able to meld the two passions into a avocation that allows him to ride his bike and record his lifestyle through pictures. You can see his work in a number of major two-wheeled publications like Hot Bike, Rider, Street Chopper, American Iron, and Iron Works as well as european motorcycle magazines. You can also get his book on the "70th Anniversary of Sturgis" on Amazon. Scooter, annually, shoots the "BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials" on the Bonneville Salt Flats, the only international land speed event for motorcycles only, and creates a photo essay of the event. You can see more of Scooter's work at his website, www.ScooterShoots.com and you can contact him at ScooterShoots@gmail.com Enjoy !!!