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About the Book
A poem in one hundred parts. The author or his persona speaks in the first person throughout. Invited to become famous by the muse of poetry, he follows her around England and Wales discovering the demons which rule his world and his own head. Ultimately, the muse promises that he will see the whole truth of what it means to be a man, in payment for which, he will be ritually sacrificed; after visiting the politicians, church men, the health service, scientists, aliens, and Catholics, he is immolated by a divine being. A very frightening poem which leaves one asking what it was all about, and why he survived to tell the tale.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Poetry
- Additional Categories Action / Adventure
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 116 -
- Softcover: 9781034734697
- Publish Date: Apr 04, 2021
- Language English
- Keywords poetry, Christian
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