Pensamientos plasmados
by Lilú Escobar
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About the Book
Este libro de arte/ cuaderno fue concebido pensando en la introspección. Plasmar pensamientos es una manera de mirarnos en un espejo para conocernos mejor. La idea es no pensar mucho antes de escribir, sino más bien escribir para luego pensar mejor.
Las ilustraciones y reflexiones contenidas en este libro tiene como finalidad facilitar el ejercicio de reflexión y auto conocimiento.
This book / journal was created to facilitate introspection through writing. The idea is to write without giving it too much thought. Then, we can know ourselves better, through these writings.
Las ilustraciones y reflexiones contenidas en este libro tiene como finalidad facilitar el ejercicio de reflexión y auto conocimiento.
This book / journal was created to facilitate introspection through writing. The idea is to write without giving it too much thought. Then, we can know ourselves better, through these writings.
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Inspiration
- Additional Categories Fine Art, Graphic Design
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 108 -
- Hardcover, Dust Jacket: 9781034802020
- Publish Date: Apr 16, 2021
- Language Spanish
- Keywords illustration, journal, writing, introspection, Art
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About the Creator
Colombian Educator and amateur artist, Lilú Escobar creates universes of reverie and fantasy. Her focus on a carefully selected color palette constitutes a pivotal part in her creation process. Enjoying her art means being transported to unexpected realms of the subconscious.