Footprints on a Tropical Island
A Solomon Island Adventure
by Stewart Cameron
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About the Book
Today I consider it inconceivable that any organisation would be able to pluck a 17 year old youth straight from school and plonk him on a remote tropical island to build a clinic with nothing more than the essential building materials, his own skills of survival, an ability to recruit and train villagers to be Bricklayers and Roofers and a resilience to fend off Malaria and tropical diseases. with the absolute minimum of equipment traing and no induction process such was the guidance given to Volunteers Overseas in the 1960's and surprisingly most returned home to the UK alive, if somewhat scarred. Above all this book covers the observations of what is perfectly normal and socially acceptable in a Melanesian culture but in comparison to a European way of life, totally abhorrent. this was life amongst Islanders who had just retreated from cannibalism some 20 years earlier.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Action / Adventure
- Additional Categories Biographies & Memoirs, Travel
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 426 -
- Softcover: 9781006491214
- Publish Date: Sep 17, 2021
- Language English
- Keywords blackbirders, UNICEF, cannibalism, Solomon Islands
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