Pet African Hedgehogs
A Basic Guide to Care
by Kimberly Goertzen
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About the Book
Hey everyone in the hedgie community! I hope you like the book. I recommend reviewing it (available as a PDF for free) before buying a copy. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
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From the back of the book:
This book was written with a beginner's questions in mind. It is meant to help new and potential hedgehog owners by providing all the necessary information needed to keep your new pet happy and healthy. It includes details on the specific needs and requirements of these unique animals, such as tips on purchasing a hedgehog, housing, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, behavior, health and more. This valuable reference gives you the knowledge you need to have a great start with your hedgie.
Thank you!
From the back of the book:
This book was written with a beginner's questions in mind. It is meant to help new and potential hedgehog owners by providing all the necessary information needed to keep your new pet happy and healthy. It includes details on the specific needs and requirements of these unique animals, such as tips on purchasing a hedgehog, housing, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, behavior, health and more. This valuable reference gives you the knowledge you need to have a great start with your hedgie.
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