Il Mare della Pianura Padana (LF)
by Paolo Bignoli
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About the Book
45 scatti realizzati lungo le risaie coltivate tra le province di Vercelli, Novara e Pavia, nella Pianura Padana Occidentale. Il 90 percento del riso italiano proviene da qui e l’Italia è il principale paese europeo produttore di riso. Un mare d’acqua dalle Alpi che costituisce anche l’habitat ideale per molte specie di uccelli.
45 shot taken along the paddy fields cultivated along the provinces of Vercelli, Novara and Pavia, in the western Pianura Padana. 90 percent of the Italian rice comes from here and Italy is the main European rice producing country. Plenty of water from the Alps, which is also the ideal habitat for many species of birds.
45 shot taken along the paddy fields cultivated along the provinces of Vercelli, Novara and Pavia, in the western Pianura Padana. 90 percent of the Italian rice comes from here and Italy is the main European rice producing country. Plenty of water from the Alps, which is also the ideal habitat for many species of birds.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Nature / Wildlife
- Additional Categories Pets
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 34 - Publish Date: Dec 09, 2021
- Language English
- Keywords Rice, Paddy Field, Italy, Italia, Risaia
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