Okinawa Goju Ryu Kata, Volume 3
Bunkai, Elementi di Bubishi
by Helmut Kogel
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About the Book
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Action / Adventure
- Additional Categories Reference
Project Option: 8×10 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 186 -
- Softcover: 9798210517951
- Publish Date: Jul 21, 2022
- Language Italian
- Keywords Goju Ryu, Kyusho, Kata Bunkai, Okinawa Karate
About the Creator Kogel, geboren 1951, ist Gefäß- und Viszeralchirurg und begann 1973 mit modernem Sportkarate (MSK) und widmete sich später dem traditionellen Karate Do. Er hat sich intensiv mit Shotokan Karate, Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, Okinawa Kobudo, Nihon Jujutsu, Combat Arnis, Kyusho, Okinawa Torite und mit dem“Bubishi“ beschäftigt. Von Tetsuhiro Hokama, Okinawa wurde ihm der 8.DAN verliehen. Außerdem beschäftigt er sich mit Qigong Helmut Kogel M.D., born in 1951, is Professor of Surgery and a vascular and visceral surgeon. He started in 1973 with modern sports karate (MSK) and later devoted himself to traditional Karate Do. He has intensively dealt with Shotokan Karate, Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, Okinawa Kobudo, Nihon Jujutsu, Combat Arnis, Kyusho, Okinawa Torite and with the “Bubishi”. He was awarded 8th DAN by Tetsuhiro Hokama, Okinawa. Furthermore he practiced Qigong.