Landscape Under Skin Theater (Workbook)
Movement Exercises to Create Poems in Motion
by Geneviève Johnson
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About the Book
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Inspiration
- Additional Categories Health & Fitness, Fine Art
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 158 -
- Softcover: 9798211692824
- Publish Date: Dec 20, 2022
- Language English
- Keywords creative process, movement, poetry, butoh, dance
About the Creator
Geneviève Johnson has performed since 1995 in more than 50 dance and theatre productions. In 1999, after practicing Butoh in Canada, she went to Japan to study with Min Tanaka, Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno, among others. She completed a PhD in 2008 (University of Quebec in Montreal), investigating the poetic, transformative, and connective states of the human body in movement. Through her research, mixing Butoh, poetry and physical theatre, she established her own method of creation, performance, and training: Landscape Under Skin Theatre, an image triggered dance technique, shared in her book and workshops. Since 2018, Geneviève is developing her passion for creating dance on film through Vancouver Island University, work with visual artist Evann Siebens, and Katrina McPherson's Screendance in the Landscape residency. Geneviève’s most recent film work Threading Side by Side, a durational-performance film-installation, was presented at the Comox Valley Art Gallery.