The Mysterious Interiors of Fort Camden (second edition) by Benjamin Crawford
(true tales of adventure and exploration)
by Benjamin Crawford
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Sports & Adventure
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 36 - Publish Date: Jan 18, 2010
- Keywords Cork Harbour, Urban Exploration, Camden, Adventure, Exploring, Fort, Crosshaven, Cork, Ireland, Crawford, Ur-bex, Ruins
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About the Creator
Benjamin Crawford
Crosshaven, Cork, Ireland
Benjamin Crawford is also the author of other such notable adventure titles as 'Living with Dwarf-Sharks', 'Escape from Spike Island', 'Sailing in the Wake of Drake', 'Tomb-raiding: A Beginner's Guide', 'Lock-picking and When to Use a Hack-saw', 'Alligator Wrestling and Other Ways to Impress an Australian Girl'.