Human Freedom and World Peace Under the Nuclear Threat
by Jiang RC,Zou QY. Zhao, LJ
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About the Book
This discussion has been running with high intensity for half a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since then, the world is under the unclear threat by Russia. What can human do to deal with this problem? Based on a rigorous argument for the right of self-defense, this book proposes the establishment of a human freedom fund to activate the civil military rights that all human beings necessarily hold as a free person to build a new separation of powers system that can effectively check the usurped political forces of the powerful state. This new system of separation of three powers will allow all human beings to become modern "homo erectus," put an end to the historical fate of individual human lives and put an end to the possibility of various forms of alienated power enslaving human beings.
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Political Science
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 374 -
- Softcover: 9798211382541
- Publish Date: Apr 04, 2023
- Language English
- Keywords House, Bouden, 博登书屋
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About the Creator
博登书屋旨在推出一批具有独立思想正确价值观、对中国乃至世界的当下时事政治、经济、文化艺术以及哲学、历史等研究领域的深度学术研究著作,特别努力推出鼓励年轻一代学者学术研究。 当今世界已经是个信息化、全球化的时代,中生代学者视野宽广、思想开放,有独立见解,许多年轻学者更具有挑战权威和批判所谓“学术霸主”的勇气和全新的知识结构,我在他们身上看到了未来中国的希望! 博登书屋是华人世界思想者的竞技场,是全球华人思想者竞赛的啦啦队!