Contes Poétiques Du Grenier
by Helene Deroubaix
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About the Book
Fantasques à souhait et surrealistes, les contes poetiques du Grenier de la sorciere fee Helene Deroubaix vont vous faire voyager au coeur de ses auto-portraits et au delà.
Ces petites histoires ou poemes tantôt acerbes tantôt acidulés vous feront traverser toutes les saisons et les contrées merveilleuses ou désenchantées de son grenier d'émotions.
Whimsical to distraction and sometimes surrealist, these poetic tales of the Attic by the fairy witch Helene deroubaix will make you travel in the core of her auto-portraiture art and beyond.
These little stories or poems, sometimes bitter or sweet will make you cross all the seasons and the marvelous or disenchanted lands of her attic of emotions.
This book is written in French.
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38 660 Le Touvet France
Tél: 0 964 017 378
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Small Square, 7×7 in, 18×18 cm
# of Pages: 80 - Publish Date: Jan 25, 2010
- Keywords art, poetry, poésie, French, fairytales, poetic, ethereal, original, photography, self-portraiture, writing, creative, graphic, emotions, magic, colorful, marvel
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