the WYTCH from Adair county. And the Blue Moon Cafe
by Darius Radmanesh
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About the Book
The tale disclosed in this here publication, is one that holds within the folds of its make-up details shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, A tale that is a tapestry of truthful and conclusive, but also elements of supposition and speculative fact, concerning a vary of events that took place in the year 2001 surrounding the author's mother, the WYTCH Linda Kay McKim and what was once the Blue Moon Cafe, in Adair county Missouri.
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About the Creator
USA, Missouri
All material and publications herein are protected under U.S and international Copyright Laws. Also, it must be noted, that The "Quest for ye Black Ryng" books are not part of a series. These constitute a single publication divided in five books for the purpose of making the punches of the publication more cost-effective. Thank you for your support. DAR VAN HORN Email;