"The more you see, the more you see."
by Kathy P. Bonham
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About the Book
Identification stops us from seeing. Once we Identify our brain is satisfied and our eyes, through our thoughts, leave the person or thing just identified. "What's that motion in the tree? It's a bird. It's a Cardinal, a Red Tail Hawk, my cat Muffy." Our minds are satisfied. We arise from bed in the morning, walk into the kitchen and see our beloved. Yes that's her, that's him. Our mind is satisfied for we have identified from memory. We have assumed the face. We really haven't seen the fresh face before us. The more I see, the more I see. The same can be said of all our senses. The more we hear, the more we hear, for example. Going beyond identification is no easy process. But once we start trying to see, well, the more we see, the more we see. I use quote marks around this phrase in the title because my deceased mentor, Hazel Archer, said it. So simple as to sound inane. While I play with my photographs in here, the more I see. Come play here with me.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Fine Art Photography
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 80 - Publish Date: Mar 03, 2010
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About the Creator
Kathy Bonham
South Central, Virginia in Faber
Born in 1944 in Bluefield West Virginia, I have two years on the baby boomers. Johnson High School, in Japan, is my alma mater. I have been in every state in the USA and in my middle adulthood I traveled to a great many parts of the world. I spent about 31 years practicing law in Denver, Colorado and I now find myself transported to my early childhood backyard. I love photography and the study of outer space and inner space. I am a product of the 1960's.