Wildside MTB 2010
Cradle to Strahan, Mountain to Beach, Tasmania
by Images by Rick Eaves & Ashley Van Essen
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Sports & Adventure
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 114 - Publish Date: Mar 13, 2010
- Keywords mountain bike, rick eaves, wildside mtb, west coast, trial harbour, bike, tasmania, mtb, wildside, race, cradle, strahan, tullah
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About the Creator
Rick Eaves
Tasmania, Australia
Began my working life as a newspaper journalist and have been a freelance photographer and writer for sixteen years. My great passion is simply for my home, the beautiful island State of Tasmania. It's unique and my family and I try to know and love all it's many moods, micro-cultures and micro-climates. Other passions include music, surfing, walking, camping, friends, history and art.