Cantagalo, Ipanema, Brasil
by Marcos Semola
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About the Book
Material fotográfico que retrata o cotidiano das favelas cariocas, aqui capturadas através de uma incursão à Comunidade do Cantagalo, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, viabilizada pela parceria com a Associação de moradores e pela Pacificação através da presença do Estado (UPP).
"O projeto baseia-se no contato direto com a geografia e os moradores da favela procurando capturar seu cotidiano sem interferência, e assim enfatizar os detalhes – obscuros aos olhos do carioca do asfalto – até então inacessíveis pela violência que por anos dominou a comunidade e impediu a efetiva integração entre morro e asfalto.”
Tem o legítimo interesse em divulgar a arte fotográfica brasileira e o mundo paralelo das favelas isolado pelas diferenças sócio-econômicas sem, no entanto, deixar de revelar a riqueza da simplicidade da vida através de personagens anônimos, becos, casas humildes e suas crianças.
Marcos Sêmola
FavelaRio Project
Photographic material that portrays the daily lives of slums, here captured by a foray into the Community of Cantagalo, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, made possible by the partnership with the Residents' Association and for the pacification through the presence of the State (UPP).
"The project is based on direct contact with the geography and the slum dwellers looking to capture their daily lives without interference, and thus emphasize the details - obscure the sight of Carioca of asphalt - hitherto inaccessible by the violence that for years dominated the community and prevented the effective integration between the hill and asphalt. "
Has a legitimate interest in promoting Brazilian art photography and the parallel world of slums isolated by socioeconomic differences without, however, fail to reveal the richness of life through simplicity of anonymous characters, alleys, humble homes and their children.
Marcos Sêmola
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
# of Pages: 64 - Publish Date: Aug 21, 2010
- Keywords Rio de Janeiro, Ipanema, Brasil, favela, morro, Cantagalo, comunidade, pobreza, cidade, violência, humildade, simplicidade, asfalto, carioca, sociedade
About the Creator
Marcos Semola is Italo-Brazilian born in 1972 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. IT Executive, MBA professor and photographer, member of ABAF - Brazilian Association of Photographic Art, Getty Images and the London Independent Photography, Marcos has been producing authorial images found in private collections and art galleries around the world, especially London, Paris and Rio/Brazil, and includes national and international exhibitions where his best known work in street-noir style, "Direct Transitive" and "Mind your Step" won recognition and expression. It is self-taught and enthusiast of art-photography whether film or digital, reason why he has also devise collective projects, share and exchange as much information with other practitioners. His photographs are sold with a limited edition, signed by the author and on museological quality paper and cotton Hahnemuehle, exclusively in Brazil by Susi Cantarino art dealer, gallery Metara, Rua Teixeira de Melo 25, Ipanema, Rio/Brazil