The Spencer Clan
Family History
by Judy "Spencer" Christian
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About the Book
This book is a Autobiography look at my past and my family. All pictures , information, and storys were given to me from my sister and many cousins and other family members.
I am not a writer but wanted something I could give to my chrildren so they might have a short look at my life growing up. To all I thank you for your help and your wonder storys this is the first of many more books on our family I love you all and may God Bless each and ever one of you .
Judy "Spencer" Christian
I am not a writer but wanted something I could give to my chrildren so they might have a short look at my life growing up. To all I thank you for your help and your wonder storys this is the first of many more books on our family I love you all and may God Bless each and ever one of you .
Judy "Spencer" Christian
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