from St.Petersburg to Moscow
by Giuseppe e Gina Menzio
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About the Book
Un viaggio alla scoperta di un paese affascinante, con tante attrattive sia culturali che paesaggistiche e di costume, dalla storia tormentata e dal futuro non ben definito, attaverso le sue due grandi capitali e piccole città e villaggi dove ancora rimangono aspetti della vita di un tempo, navigando su fiumi, laghi e canali fra paesaggi di una bellezza struggente...
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Upon request I may consider the possibility to provide an English version of this book.
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About the Creator
Giuseppe & Gina Menzio
Rome, Italy
Gina and myself have been together now more than 50 years !... We do not have the same character nor the same interests, at least not all of them... and this may be one reason for the 50 years... However, for sure we share at least two passions: travelling and taking pictures (also some other I would not mention...). This is why you will see in our books pictures of persons and places we have visited in these years. Hope you'll enjoy them.