North African Landscapes
A selection of images created by CCE students on a trip through Oman and Morocco
by Robin Nichols, Glyn Patrick, Lucie Loane, Ian Caldwell, Sue Caldwell, Janice Gursanscky, Carolyn Grattan, Fraser Burdon, Fay Burdon
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About the Book
Amazing images created by photographers on a group photo tour of Oman and Morocco in April 2011
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About the Creator
Robin Nichols
Sydney, NSW , Australia
I have been in the publishing business for 18 years but now spend more time teaching through the Centre for Continuing Education at Sydney University, the Sydney Community College and online with and I teach camera courses, composition, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, Macro, Portraiture and much more... I also lead dedicated small group photo tours to beautiful parts of the planet such as South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Oman, Japan, and Bali. My blog: