Two days in the Alps with the Tour de France's craziest fans..
by Geoff Waugh
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About the Book
You've seen them on the TV. Runners. Guys and, occasionally, girls, who sprint after their heroes of the road. And not content with treating their favourite rider to an earful of 'encouragement' at maximum volume when he is in his own personal world of pain, they chose to dress in fancy costumes. Just in case he hasn't noticed them. The arena these fans chose to show off their sartorial elegance, or lack of it, is in the mountains. It is here where they can actually keep up with a rider for 50-100 metres or so. Just long enough to get some screentime for their mates at home. Or receive an laser-accurate blow to the jaw from a rider at the end of his tether. I chose two of the Tour de France's most famous climbs to meet up with these knights (literally in some cases) of the road, ask them to pose for my camera and leave me a message on the print. What you are holding are the results.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Sports & Adventure
Project Option: Small Square, 7×7 in, 18×18 cm
# of Pages: 28 - Publish Date: Oct 05, 2011
- Language English
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About the Creator
Geoff Waugh
UK based photographer and filmer. Raised in the Age of Emulsion. (Film not paint)