About the Book
My grandparents loved Venice too. They used to stay in the same corner room of the Bauer Hotel overlooking the Grand Canal, and my Grandpa would draw many of the views in the city whilst Granny brushed up on her Italian. She became fluent and read many books and novels in this most lyrical of languages.
Whilst I have not been to Venice nearly as many times as either my Mum or my grandparents, I also love it there. Mum and I have been several times together, twice staying in a charming rented apartment in Arsenale, and after two consecutive years it is starting to become something of an annual pilgrimage.
The photos in this book are from our visits during May 2010 and 2011, and are not arranged in any chronological order but are grouped by subject and in some cases, colour. I have also omitted much geographical detail - this is not a guide book, but more a photographic record of my experience of Venice. I'm afraid that if you want to know "which church is that?" and "what is the name of that street" you have come to the wrong book. There are some labels but I have tried to keep them to a minimum, as my wish is for this book to be more about the visual than the words.
About the Creator
Viveca Koh FRPS FIPF is an entirely self-taught photographer, with a strong eye for overlooked details, and a special fascination with photographing abandoned buildings. In 2010 she was awarded a Licentiateship Distinction by the Royal Photographic Society, for a panel of ten photographs taken in an asylum. These images feature in the book Lost Asylum Sonnets, a poetic collaboration with Catherine Lupton. In 2011 she was proud to attain Associateship of the RPS with a panel of fifteen photographs, featured in the book 'Left Behind'. In 2014 she was awarded a Fellowship with the RPS, for images taken from the book 'Star Blossom', in 2021 Fellowship with the Irish Photographic Federation followed by a second FRPS in 2024. She currently lives in Surrey.