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More than the Moment
by Gary S. Chapman and Vivian Padilla-Chapman
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About the Book
Most people will never visit a leper colony in Nepal or hug the tsunami orphans of Sri Lanka or take a dugout canoe deep into the Darien Jungle. These places are often too remote, too costly, and many times too dangerous for a casual visit. But Christians who believe that God still calls them to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” need to care about the people and places the church has yet to reach. As a photographer with a passion to motivate the church to missions, I wanted to do something to give these needy people a voice.
More than the Moment is a blog I created to highlight details about their condition and need for prayer. This book, by the same title, is an invitation to the blog, where you can learn about individuals you may never meet, but for whom you can pray.
For the last twenty years now, my wife and I, much of the time with our children, have traveled throughout the world documenting people and situations for various missions groups. As you look through this book, we encourage you to see More than the Moment, and pray:
Gary and Vivian
More than the Moment is a blog I created to highlight details about their condition and need for prayer. This book, by the same title, is an invitation to the blog, where you can learn about individuals you may never meet, but for whom you can pray.
For the last twenty years now, my wife and I, much of the time with our children, have traveled throughout the world documenting people and situations for various missions groups. As you look through this book, we encourage you to see More than the Moment, and pray:
Gary and Vivian
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Small Square, 7×7 in, 18×18 cm
# of Pages: 66 - Publish Date: Jun 09, 2008
- Keywords photography, NGO, relief, Christian, church, mission, photojournalism
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