Alternate Song Inspirations
Alternate Song Inspirations: 33 1/3 version
by P.W Kelly
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About the Book
About the Creator
"Raised by wolves and nurtured by vultures...." Kelly's reflection on his music career. Kelly had some mild success as a columnist for the Toronto Star, Eye magazine and theSoutham Newsgroup but, then he decided that he loved playing music too much and returned to writing and performing. All the sillyness can be found on his website Kelly, an accomplished songwriter in his own right , has had the priviledge of being inspired to create his own songs. Some of the inspiration came from a good place and sometimes it just came from a WTF place. That's the great and sometimes bad thing about being an inspired songwriter. But as he says, "There are things i would change, but if i did how would i have known...and what would i write about?"