The audacious collection of the words and phrases now part of the American lexicon due to the one-term presidency of Barack Obama
by Stanley P. Pathé
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About the Book
Every president leaves his indelible mark on the United States. This is especially true of language - from the political battles in the beltway, to the casual conversations around the dinner table.
Thus, the Obamanary - a collection of the words and phrases said of the 44th president, by the 44th president, and for the 44th president.
From “man-caused disaster” and “food stamp president” to “thrill going up my leg” and “the One,” here is the complete wordlist said around the world and in all 57 states. You’ll cry from the laughter, or laugh to keep from crying.
This is the political dictionary of our age. That no conservative, liberal, moderate or radical should be without.
Thus, the Obamanary - a collection of the words and phrases said of the 44th president, by the 44th president, and for the 44th president.
From “man-caused disaster” and “food stamp president” to “thrill going up my leg” and “the One,” here is the complete wordlist said around the world and in all 57 states. You’ll cry from the laughter, or laugh to keep from crying.
This is the political dictionary of our age. That no conservative, liberal, moderate or radical should be without.
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