A Squirrel Planted an Acorn
by Amber S. Higgins
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About the Book
From an acorn to old age, the forest changes with time from the arrival of native tribes and settler families on horseback to retirement homes on wheels as the modern age came to live life next to the old tree by the brook.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Literature & Fiction
Project Option: Standard Portrait, 7.75×9.75 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 62 -
- Hardcover, ImageWrap: 9781389890031
- Publish Date: May 23, 2012
- Language English
- Keywords nature, climate change, american history, animals
About the Creator
Amber Higgins has always loved to write. In the 1990's, she was a contributing editor and writer for two small town newspapers. She wrote a weekly alternative healing newspaper column for two years, community dog training manuals, several newsletter and magazine articles on a variety of topics. She is best known for the Family Disaster Dogs books,blog lessons based on her thirty years experience as a master dog groomer and certified obedience, multi-purpose search dog instructor-Bloodhound breeder, kennel and pet business owner. She recently transitioned to a full time writer from owning a popular pet spa on the Oregon coast. Look for Amber's books on amazon and blurb! 2nd edition- "Family Disaster Dogs- Formerly Published under Tate Publishing 2015-2017 they closed :( "My Puppy Can Find Me" children's book with UK illustrator ! "How-to Evacuate with Pets-Dog Bug-out Bag" Visit FamilyDisasterDogs.com "A Squirrel Planted an Acorn" "A Glance at Oregon Flowers"