Call of the Cardinal: Musings on toil and Ascension
by Dr. Paul Beasley Hall
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About the Book
Welcome to the 1st pocket book in the Avian Awareness Poetry Pocket Book Series. Each book showcases one breed of bird. The author uses the cover bird as inspiration for the poems to follow. It is the wish of the author that you enjoy reading and interpreting the poems with as much pleasure as the author experienced in their creation.
Wishing and Visualizing the best for you,
Dr. Paul Beasley Hall
Wishing and Visualizing the best for you,
Dr. Paul Beasley Hall
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Poetry
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 20 - Publish Date: May 26, 2012
- Keywords redbird cardinal, best poems, Paul beasley, Paul Beasley Hall, Dr. Paul Beasley Hall, poem book, tuskegee authors, best authors, avian awareness poket book poetry series, poetry series, bird poetry series, Sadhu Bali, call of the cardinal, call of the cardinal musings on toil and Ascension, poem books, bird poem books, red bird poem books, birds, avian, poems, paul, poetry, tuskegee, alumni, enlightenment, awareness, books
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