Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection
at the University Library - University of Saskatchewan
by David Bindle and Catherine Boden, curators, with an article by L John Hoffer
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About the Book
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Medicine & Science
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 62 - Publish Date: Jul 06, 2012
- Keywords Nutritional supplements, Alternative Medicine, Library Exhibitions, Therapeutic use of LSD, Mega-vitamin therapy, Orthomolecular medicine, Mental Health, Well-being, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry
About the Creator
David's research interest involves Special Collections Librarianship; specifically, in how digital technologies and communication tools are transforming the former methodologies in which libraries can pursue and develop their Special Collections and Archives. As well as developing new collection strategies, David is also involved in making "hidden-collections" discoverable through digitization and publishing initiatives. Combining his interest in photography with his research interests, he continues to publish unique subject specific books as a way of disseminating rare and unique manuscripts and collections.