About the Book
Quali opere meravigliose si possono creare con marmi colorati e pietre dure! Su grande scala l'immenso, bellissimo pavimento del Duomo di Siena, creato a partire dal Trecento, e visibile solo in rare occasioni. Su scala più piccola, gli incredibili intarsi delle opere realizzate a Firenze sotto i granduchi ed esposte nel museo dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 58 - Publish Date: Dec 04, 2012
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About the Creator
Giuseppe & Gina Menzio
Rome, Italy
Gina and myself have been together now more than 50 years !... We do not have the same character nor the same interests, at least not all of them... and this may be one reason for the 50 years... However, for sure we share at least two passions: travelling and taking pictures (also some other I would not mention...). This is why you will see in our books pictures of persons and places we have visited in these years. Hope you'll enjoy them.