animals of the soul by magdalena nothaft
by Magdalena Nothaft
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About the Book
Mark Rothko said: " Artists think its important how well a painting is done, but thats a mistake, there is no good or bad art about anything."
So feel free to enjoy colour. Paint from your heart and the animals of your soul will show.
About the Creator
Since 2005 Magdalena works with Colour dialog in many different countries of world, from Germany to South Africa. As a Visual Merchandiser and Art-and Trauma Therapist she trains Social Workers, Psychologists and prison facilitators in South Africa. She motivates people to paint for their own healing Her 6 book: Phoenix Art, Karakter-Köpfe, Farbdialog, Colour Dialogue, Animals of the soul, 300 days on the beach.... are showing her wax pastel paintings which she did during her travels.. Seit 2005 arbeite ich mit dem Farbdialog in verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen. Als Psychotherapeutin, Trainerin, Trauma- und Kunsttherapeutin bin ich in südafrikanischen Gefängnissen , in meiner eigenen Praxis in Deutschland, an Schulen, Events, Seminaren und Workshops tätig. Meine Leidenschaft ist der Farbdialog, malen mit Waxmalkreide, alleine oder mit anderen, wo immer ich auch bin. Meine Bücher zeigen Bilder die während meiner Reisen entstanden.