Experiencing Libraries - E-Book Ebook
A guide to observing and understanding contemporary academic libraries
by Alan Butler, Will Baty
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About the Ebook
When programming and designing new or remodeled library space it is important for the users and designers to look beyond the existing facilities. The tendency of users, starting in the design process, is to fix their existing spaces or replicate them in a slightly modified form. Experiencing other libraries is an important part of the preparation process to programming and designing libraries. It can help break the conceptual limits that we all tend to have about the possibilities and opportunities in the design of libraries.
This book provides library visitors with a guide to various design elements that are frequently encountered in contemporary academic libraries. The purpose of the guide is to focus the visitor on certain key elements of the design and to have a structured way to visit and understand any library. It can also be a reference guide when reviewing space programs or building designs as the process of designing a new library progresses.
This book provides library visitors with a guide to various design elements that are frequently encountered in contemporary academic libraries. The purpose of the guide is to focus the visitor on certain key elements of the design and to have a structured way to visit and understand any library. It can also be a reference guide when reviewing space programs or building designs as the process of designing a new library progresses.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Architecture
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 119 pgs
- Publish Date: Apr 25, 2013
- Last edit Dec 15, 2013
- Language English
- Keywords Library, Libraries, College, University, Academic, Architecture, Design
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About the Creator
Alan Butler
Santa Rosa, CA
Architect, Hiker, Photographer, Curator of an archive of my father's photographs of Japan from 1951