Guatemala Bound
100 Quilts
by Bonnie M. Bucknam
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Non-profits & Fundraising
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 118 - Publish Date: May 06, 2013
About the Creator
Bonnie has been sewing since early childhood. In high school she launched a successful mail order business manufacturing fabric purses. Since then she has always made art to enjoy and market. Bonnie grew up in Long Beach, California and graduated from California State University Long Beach. Shortly after, she moved to Alaska. She worked as an archaeologist and warehouseman building the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. She remained in Alaska for 31 years, spending most of those working as a legal assistant at the Alaska Attorney General’s Office in Anchorage. She always used every “spare” minute to create her fabric art. In 1997 she started a business, Handwerk, to market and sell her quilts and hand-dyed fabrics at craft fairs. In 2006, Bonnie retired from legal work and relocated to Vancouver, Washington, where she now devotes all her time to creating fiber art. Since 2009 she has been working on a project to project to provide bedquitls to orphans in Guatemala.