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Love Notes for the Princess
by G. Lain Ellis
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About the Creator
I've taught college philosophy and have advanced degrees in anthropology, but I'm otherwise fairly normal. I like making small objects out of wood, things like model boats or nice boxes. But importantly, there's this beautiful woman in San Antonio. We met online: Friday, April 14, 2006, she asks: Do you know anything about physics? Saturday, April 15, 2006, he answers: I was always fairly math impaired, so I didn't do any physics directly, the math and the physics being inseparable…. So I have at best a dilettante’s grasp of physics. Wednesday, May 17, 2006, he asks: Did you want to know if I knew about physics to see if I could write suitable love notes? Wednesday, May 17, 2006, she answers: Not specifically….I saw an opportunity that I could share the excitement I have on the subject matter…. But in a way, yes, I wanted to see if you could write appropriate love notes.