Chenfamily Album 家庭生活圖片選集 1949 to 2009 大江大海一甲子 Chen, Waifah & Linlin 陳惠發宣玲玲
by Waifah Chen
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About the Book
這本鲜活的影像集錦,反映出舐犢之情,父母之心,包括了玲玲與惠發的一生縮影,反映在早期的黑白生活求學照片,中期的 Kodak 彩色的多彩多姿的戀愛、結婚、生子、成家、立業、旅遊的照片,和近期的,高清析度的彩色 iPhone 家庭聚會、生活的點點滴滴的集錦,美不勝收。
這些照片集錦,反應出三代、六十年, 一甲子的生活変遷,回味着寳寶會笑的第一個清晨、會爬的第一個午後、會站的第一個向晚、小學畢業典禮、中學音樂比赛,而孩子展翅離巢讀大學,進硏究院,唸博士,找工作,結婚生子,成家立業,功成名就,逐渐進入上有老,下有小的新人生階段。
這就是人生。這本440 頁的陳家照片集錦, 道出了玲玲與惠發的一生,留給我們的後代,中傑、中毅、中宇作為紀念。
2013 年八月
This album grew out of six decades of accumulation of photos in albums made by the Chen family members and stored in our Avalon home in Fremont, CA since 1999. Its purpose is in part to preserve the family history in terms of special events like weddings, graduations, birthday celebrations, vacations, career-events, milestones. It not only provides a compact and convenient summary for each of the Chen family members including Linlin, Waifah, Eric, Arnold and Brian, but it also documents some early photos of the Chen siblings of Eileen, Waikai, Waisun and Helena and Hsuan siblings of Jason, Eddie, Bakey and Jim and cousins of CiCi and Hollis Jr, Joe, Miranda and Vicky, Jerome and Melissa, David and Patricia, and Betsy, and Mike and Anna, Fred and Pam, JaJa and Herman, and Eileen and Jonny.
For reasons of brevity, and because it is assumed that the readers who are interested in this collection are mostly family members of greater Chen and Hsuan families, the emphasis is on chronicle the Chen and Hsuan family events with brief titles for each event rather than detailed explanations.
The organization of the album is indicated by the table of contents that is separated by each decade starting from 1940 decade and ending by 2010 and beyond.
Linlin and Waifah Chen
Avalon, Fremont, CA
August 2013
這本鲜活的影像集錦,反映出舐犢之情,父母之心,包括了玲玲與惠發的一生縮影,反映在早期的黑白生活求學照片,中期的 Kodak 彩色的多彩多姿的戀愛、結婚、生子、成家、立業、旅遊的照片,和近期的,高清析度的彩色 iPhone 家庭聚會、生活的點點滴滴的集錦,美不勝收。
這些照片集錦,反應出三代、六十年, 一甲子的生活変遷,回味着寳寶會笑的第一個清晨、會爬的第一個午後、會站的第一個向晚、小學畢業典禮、中學音樂比赛,而孩子展翅離巢讀大學,進硏究院,唸博士,找工作,結婚生子,成家立業,功成名就,逐渐進入上有老,下有小的新人生階段。
這就是人生。這本440 頁的陳家照片集錦, 道出了玲玲與惠發的一生,留給我們的後代,中傑、中毅、中宇作為紀念。
2013 年八月
This album grew out of six decades of accumulation of photos in albums made by the Chen family members and stored in our Avalon home in Fremont, CA since 1999. Its purpose is in part to preserve the family history in terms of special events like weddings, graduations, birthday celebrations, vacations, career-events, milestones. It not only provides a compact and convenient summary for each of the Chen family members including Linlin, Waifah, Eric, Arnold and Brian, but it also documents some early photos of the Chen siblings of Eileen, Waikai, Waisun and Helena and Hsuan siblings of Jason, Eddie, Bakey and Jim and cousins of CiCi and Hollis Jr, Joe, Miranda and Vicky, Jerome and Melissa, David and Patricia, and Betsy, and Mike and Anna, Fred and Pam, JaJa and Herman, and Eileen and Jonny.
For reasons of brevity, and because it is assumed that the readers who are interested in this collection are mostly family members of greater Chen and Hsuan families, the emphasis is on chronicle the Chen and Hsuan family events with brief titles for each event rather than detailed explanations.
The organization of the album is indicated by the table of contents that is separated by each decade starting from 1940 decade and ending by 2010 and beyond.
Linlin and Waifah Chen
Avalon, Fremont, CA
August 2013
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Biographies & Memoirs
Project Option: Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
# of Pages: 440 - Publish Date: Sep 24, 2013
- Language English
- Keywords Chen family album, University of Hawaii, Waifah, Linlin, Eric, Arnold, Brian, Lehigh, Purdue
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About the Creator
Waifah Chen
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
作者簡介 他是一位傑出的華裔工程科學家。他熱愛工程科學研究,而且是經常關心工程教育對社會的影響。他時常接受訪談、發表演講、坦率真誠表達自己對工程、科學、教育、文化、民主、經濟、海峽兩岸獨統等緒問題的看法,他以傑出的自然科學家的眼光,冷靜、客觀、深刻地剖析人際關係與社會問題,無疑是他在科研和教學之外對社會的另一种貢獻。 他不但在工程科學成就上馳名中外,對於中國傳統、文化、東西政治文化之比較、都有精確、獨特的見解、發人省思。本書收集了他在各地有關他對此書的演講、記者對陳教授對此書之訪談與評論、與近年來收到對此書的書評、剪報、照片、電子郵件。在此書中的收集、包括中英文兼具的原作影印、以保留原文風貌與特色。 陳惠發教授,布朗大學博士、美國國家工程院院士、台灣中央研究院院士,曾任教普渡大學講座教授、夏威夷大學工學院院長,現為夏威夷大學研究教授。