Twist & Shout
The Paintings of John Brosio
by Anderson Gallery Publications
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About the Book
With honesty and a large touch of irony, John Brosio delves into two central themes of American landscape painting; suburbia and the sublime. It is since World War II that North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth into suburbia. The promise of affordable space, idyllic family life and the promise of perpetual upward mobility have been embedded into the American consciousness. Suburbia and all it promises, has become the foundation of order, proper sensibility and a measurement of contemporary beauty.
Tornadoes are not agents of order.
In aesthetics the sublime is a term that refers to immensity beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation. It is the cognitive edge of conceptual power and is often revealed when confronted with the overwhelming loss of perceived order. The harmony and horror of the sublime experience are richly painted by Brosio while maintaining a pervasive sense of innocents between the imminent event and those who would will be impacted.
Tornadoes are not agents of order.
In aesthetics the sublime is a term that refers to immensity beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation. It is the cognitive edge of conceptual power and is often revealed when confronted with the overwhelming loss of perceived order. The harmony and horror of the sublime experience are richly painted by Brosio while maintaining a pervasive sense of innocents between the imminent event and those who would will be impacted.
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