Get the Revelation for yourself.
by Kenneth Jerome Williams
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About the Book
God gives His Mercy and His Grace to whom-ever He chooses to do so. No human being, man or woman, can dictate anything to God in relation to what, how, when, why or how God does anything.
God will bring down who ever He wants to bring down, and God will raise up whom-ever He chooses to raise up.
God's Grace is not fare, but its available to all people who are determined to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and to make Jesus Christ their Lord and their God over Lordship of their life.
Get the Revelation for yourself is for the chosen people of God, and if you know that you know, that you are chosen by God, "Get the Revelation for yourself."
When you read the prayer in the Spirit that's in this spiritual book, you would have known what it means to...."GET THE REVELATION FOR YOURSELF.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Religion & Spirituality
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 30 - Publish Date: Oct 05, 2014
- Language English
- Keywords Holy Spirit, Revelation, Christ, Power
About the Creator
Kenneth's Podcast iHeart Radio - International Podcast Streaming Engineering Sound Quality Audio Video Recording Production 4K, 8K, 12K, UHD, 35mm Video Cameras Studio Lighting State of the Art Productions. Webcam 4K/8K Video Streaming Vlog Producer/Ministry Teaching Programming Google App Developer for Google Play Store Apps Android U.S. Book Publisher, American Author/Writer, U.S. Copyright Owner U.S. Book Trade Vendor. Seventy (70) Books Now Available from 119 Books Copywritten to be released by Minister of God and Christ Jesus Foundation. Minister of God and Christ Jesus Foundation (c)(p)1996-2025 Multimedia Telecommunications Networks Broadcast/The Spiritual Assassin Christian Teaching and Talk, Production and Programming Gifted Fivefold Ministry Teacher Faith-Based Initiatives, Civic Engagement, Opportunity Programs Established to lesson the burden of Government Determined Federal Exempt Under IRS Code 501 (c) 3 North America/United States United States Federal Code (OLRC