About the Book
This is a book about Halloween in the subways. Literally. Step into a subway car on October 31 and you will see superheroes and flesh-eating zombies, princesses both traditional and transgendered, people dressed as insects and as exotic plants, and people who appear as entities known only to them. And you will see people who may or may not be homeless but who are dressed as if they were homeless -- sitting next to homeless people (or is it the other way around?). And you will see many people who are in -- but not of -- the moment. This is New York. And it is the city at its best -- spontaneous, ephemeral, impossibly heterogeneous yet remarkably tolerant -- and with most everyone taking it more or less in stride.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Fine Art Photography
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 42 - Publish Date: Apr 19, 2015
- Language English
- Keywords Halloween, subway, New York
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