Mastering the OPD PT Test
by Arlo Gagestein, CSCS, LMT with Angela Voraotsady, NSCA-CPT
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About the Book
About the Creator
Arlo is the owner of Competitive Edge Fitness in Ogden, UT where he trains competitive athletes at all levels for a wide range of sports. He specializes in training fighters, soldiers, and law enforcement and is the fitness consultant for the Ogden City Police Department. He writes for Jiu-Jitsu Magazine, NSCA TSAC Report,, and various other websites and blogs. Competitively, Arlo is a Drysdale Jiu-Jitsu purple belt, a beach volleyball player, an obstacle course racer, and a rookie Highland Games competitor. Some of his professional accomplishments are: Author of Warrior Core and Battle Tested Bachelors Degree in Human Performance NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certified MMA Conditioning Coach Certified Core Training Specialist Certified Sports Injury Specialist Licensed Massage Therapist Sports Massage Therapist Structural Integrator Former Assistant Volleyball Coach at a D1 University