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About the Book
two-thirds of which produced locomotives in steam and working. More than 300 different steam locomotives were encountered during this visit, quite a significant number given that little more than a thousand remained active on the Deutsche Bundesbahn at this time. That said, steam locomotives were still receiving major overhauls at this time, and they remained active in West Germany until late 1977, albeit in gradually diminishing numbers. At least in West Germany there was not the headlong rush into the elimination of steam as the Author had experienced in his then home country. This 1973 visit certainly revitalised his interest in real steam.
The photographs were taken with fairly basic equipment and are not representative of the Author's later works, but it is available for those interested : but please check out the preview pages first.
About the Creator
A well known South African Railway Photographer and the author of two best selling books on South African steam locomotives , ' The Sunset Of Steam' and 'The Shimmer of Steel'. His photography has won several awards & has featured in exhibitions, on calendars and contributions to other Authors' books. He has also published 57 (mostly) landscape format books at http://www.blurb.com/user/red3450 (India, China, Zimbabwe, East & West Germany, U.K. industrial, isle of Man as well as the most extraordinary coverage of all things 'South African steam'). Superb photography and design abound. A well known exponent of night, silhouette and glint photography,the Author includes many examples of such work, but the scope is broad, covering the conventional and unusual approach to Steam photography. Lively anecdotal text, expanded captions, maps etc are included. All Blurb books may be viewed (preview), in full, and for free. Contact : phone +27 [0]21 879 0308 , e-mail DennisMoore3450@gmail.com