About the Book
Upon first viewing the Marbles in the summer of 2012, photographer Roger Minick was immediately struck by how modern many of the Marbles seemed, both in execution and style: folds of clothing cling gossamer-like to skin; multiple horsemen gallop side by side, seemingly full-bodied, yet carved on a slab of marble barely six inches thick; nostrils of horses flare during the siege of battle; scenes of human slaughter as graphic as anything seen on the nightly news. Never before had Minick seen the human condition so movingly depicted.
PARTHENON MARBLES is Roger Minick’s photographic response to these profound works of art.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Large Square, 12×12 in, 30×30 cm
# of Pages: 80 - Publish Date: Feb 04, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords Museum Artworks, Fine Art Black & White Photography, Archeology, Classical Greek Sculpture
About the Creator
American Roger Minick has been photographing the American experience for nearly half a century. His photographs are included in permanent collections at the Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the J Paul Getty Museum, George Eastman House, Smithsonian, and numerous private collections. Two previous mainstream photographic books, published by Scrimshaw Press, include DELTA WEST and HILLS OF HOME. Recent books include AMERICAN BIOGRAPHICS, SIGHTSEER, PERAMBULATIONS, UNDOCUMENTED, THE ETERNAL STARE, CORNUCOPIA, EyeEurope, WebCam, EyeRamblings, DELTA, OZARKS, FIFTY, WHAT IN THE WORLD, MonoChrome, SEASCAPES, VARIOUS & SUNDRY, STATES OF BEING, SOUTHLAND, LIPS, ESPEJO, SEA DIALOGUES, PEN & INK TO PAPER, SINGULARITY, PORTRAITS, PANORAMA, ANTHROPOCENE, THE COURSE OF EMPIRE, THE BANDING SEA, LANDSCAPE STORIES, and NEW WORKS 2022-2024, all published by Perambulation Press, a self-publishing venture founded by Roger Minick, specializing in fine art limited edition book