Book 26: The Art of Affirmations and the Quantum Aspect of a Miniature Model
by Colleen Anne Marie Reed
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About the Book
Creating miniature models offers a physical way to use our bodies and imagination to work with an idea on a small scale. No matter how simple the model is, the brain starts to play with the idea and inherently wants to improve it. The brain is wired to find improvements. Modeling helps us achieve our goals by physicalizing the goals so we can get feedback on different aspects of them as our goals/inner vision evolve. Just as importantly miniature models harness the power of intention to help bring things about. In the quantum realm where intention is fueled, all things are equal. This is why creating miniatures is an effective way to work through many layers of an idea before ever needing to physicalize our ideas in full scale.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Self-Improvement
Project Option: Small Square, 7×7 in, 18×18 cm
# of Pages: 36 - Publish Date: Mar 06, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords miniature models, affirmations, 3D modeling, little art books, imagination, brain, mind, creative impulse, quantum, intention, feedback loops
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