My Academic Life: Plasticity, Limit Analysis and Structural Design
Connecting the Dots: NCKU, Brown, Lehigh, Purdue and UH
by Waifah Chen
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About the Book
I spent the first ten years of my academic career at Lehigh University, then 23 years of my working life at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. My early research was on the full scale testing of structural connections and plastic design in steels at the Fritz Engineering Laboratory at Lehigh University with its world famous five million pound universal testing machine. It was at Lehigh University that I made the major part of my contributions to the theory of plasticity and to its application to the design of engineering structures and components. The pioneering work was summarized in the classical two-volume book entitled "Theory of Beam-Columns" in 1976-77.
Combining solid mechanics with mathematical theory of plasticity, I started the pioneering work in applying the theorems of limit analysis to predict the load-carrying capacity of foundations, slope stability and earth pressures problems which formerly were beyond the scope of engineering practice. The merit of limit analysis as applied to soil mechanics lies in the fact that geotechnical engineers can now make original, practical and safe decisions on the design of complex load-bearing estimates on the basis of relatively simple calculations. The pioneering work was published in the milestone book entitled "Limit Analysis and Soil Plasticity" in 1975.
In my later years at Purdue, I became active in a field now known as "Advanced Analysis", which attempts to bridge the gap in design between using elastic analysis for a structural system while sizing up the structural members with an inelastic analysis through the use of the so-called "The Effective Length Factor", or simply known as the K-factor design. as popularly used in engineering practice. Research works on advanced analysis are now well developed, verified and coded by the American Institute of Steel Construction’s 2005 AISC Specifications as well as others around the world.
Combining solid mechanics with mathematical theory of plasticity, I started the pioneering work in applying the theorems of limit analysis to predict the load-carrying capacity of foundations, slope stability and earth pressures problems which formerly were beyond the scope of engineering practice. The merit of limit analysis as applied to soil mechanics lies in the fact that geotechnical engineers can now make original, practical and safe decisions on the design of complex load-bearing estimates on the basis of relatively simple calculations. The pioneering work was published in the milestone book entitled "Limit Analysis and Soil Plasticity" in 1975.
In my later years at Purdue, I became active in a field now known as "Advanced Analysis", which attempts to bridge the gap in design between using elastic analysis for a structural system while sizing up the structural members with an inelastic analysis through the use of the so-called "The Effective Length Factor", or simply known as the K-factor design. as popularly used in engineering practice. Research works on advanced analysis are now well developed, verified and coded by the American Institute of Steel Construction’s 2005 AISC Specifications as well as others around the world.
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Biographies & Memoirs
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 42 - Publish Date: Oct 15, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords Chen Waifah, Plasticity, Limit Analysis, Structural design, NCKU, Brown University, Lehigh University, University of Hawaii
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About the Creator
Waifah Chen
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
作者簡介 他是一位傑出的華裔工程科學家。他熱愛工程科學研究,而且是經常關心工程教育對社會的影響。他時常接受訪談、發表演講、坦率真誠表達自己對工程、科學、教育、文化、民主、經濟、海峽兩岸獨統等緒問題的看法,他以傑出的自然科學家的眼光,冷靜、客觀、深刻地剖析人際關係與社會問題,無疑是他在科研和教學之外對社會的另一种貢獻。 他不但在工程科學成就上馳名中外,對於中國傳統、文化、東西政治文化之比較、都有精確、獨特的見解、發人省思。本書收集了他在各地有關他對此書的演講、記者對陳教授對此書之訪談與評論、與近年來收到對此書的書評、剪報、照片、電子郵件。在此書中的收集、包括中英文兼具的原作影印、以保留原文風貌與特色。 陳惠發教授,布朗大學博士、美國國家工程院院士、台灣中央研究院院士,曾任教普渡大學講座教授、夏威夷大學工學院院長,現為夏威夷大學研究教授。