I Can Write
Writing by First Graders for First graders
by Shelle Allen-Russell
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About the Book
If your child is in first grade and is struggling with writing, this is the book for you.
If you are unclear of the different types of writing that your child needs to understand, this is the book for you.
It is a teaching tool for understanding the writing genres expected across the nation.
The standards are taken from California, as that is the state in which I live.
If you want to be actively involved with your child's writing development, this is a book for you.
You will notice that there are small errors in most pieces of writing. This is because this is the first draft they have written. This book is written in hopes that teachers will understand that if they work at it consistently, all students can succeed in writing, even if it is not perfect the first time!
If you are unclear of the different types of writing that your child needs to understand, this is the book for you.
It is a teaching tool for understanding the writing genres expected across the nation.
The standards are taken from California, as that is the state in which I live.
If you want to be actively involved with your child's writing development, this is a book for you.
You will notice that there are small errors in most pieces of writing. This is because this is the first draft they have written. This book is written in hopes that teachers will understand that if they work at it consistently, all students can succeed in writing, even if it is not perfect the first time!
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About the Creator
Chele & Company
If you are looking for a fresh, creative approach to creating books with your photography, check us out. If you want a product that is entirely creative, we are the company for you! We love to take your photos and create an album that will bring you back into the moment for years to come! Think out of the box: historical collections as memoirs, senior moments, first readers, numbers, or colors (with your child's pictures). Nothing is unthinkable, untouchable, or undoable!