The Narrows Botanical Garden
by Dave Foss Photographer
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Features & Details
Project Option: Small Square, 7×7 in, 18×18 cm
# of Pages: 40 - Publish Date: Aug 03, 2009
About the Creator
Writing stuff for things like this is like having root canal for me. I seem to ramble, and without someone to keep me on track I just run amok. You might say I “lack focus.” I guess that's because I see things differently. I believe I learned to re-focus my vision during one particular family car trip when I was a kid. My dad looked out the window and said, “That’s an odd place to hang a bicycle.” Well, I looked all over the place – high, low, left, right, near, and far – and I couldn't find that bicycle anywhere! Finally, I gave up and asked, “Where? I don't see it.” He said there was no bicycle, "But that WOULD be an odd place to hang one." To this day (50+ years later) I look around and think, "That’s an odd place to shoot a nude.” I have re-worded my dad’s observation a bit from the original. Some people call my type of photography "Guerrilla Photography" because we "Shoot and run!" However, at my age it's more like, "Shoot and walk away slowly – then go back and get the ca