Thriving Ospreys in Chesapeake Bay
by Alan Jones
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About the Book
This book follows on from my photographic book: “Ospreys of Broomes Island”, my first adventure photographing Ospreys in the Chesapeake Bay area of the USA. Some background: The osprey is one of the most widespread birds of prey and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. The worldwide population is thought to be about 500,000, with about 105,000 of these in the USA but only about 500 migrate to the UK each year. Under United Kingdom law Ospreys have the highest full legal protection as a listed Schedule 1 species. In the USA they are protected by the “Migratory Bird Treaty Act” which is not as strict as the Law in the UK. Ospreys are thriving and numerous in the Chesapeake Bay area, they live in a very large area of water rich in fish that being in the right place at the right time to photograph them actually diving has proven quite elusive so far. They nest on the navigational buoys, platforms erected for them close to boat docks and jetties and the local forested areas. Consequently the Ospreys on this area have become accustomed to the close proximity of people and water traffic. Photographing this wonderful bird, and in the process learning so much about its behaviour is a wonderful experience. I hope that previewing this book and seeing the photograph’s of this beautiful bird will enable you to share in this excitement. Please be aware that the electronic versions of the book require a suitable size screen to be able to read the text and captions clearly and obtain a better previewing experience.
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