Center Hill
and the original East Street home lots
by Epsom Historical Association
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About the Book
The road from the Deerfield line to the old Epsom Meetinghouse was named East Street by the proprietors. In later years it was also called Elm Street after residents planted Elms along the road near the McClary Cemetery. The area was where the first twenty families settled the original 20 home lots, and built their meetinghouse, school and parsonage. The area also included a town pound and town common. The area had several stores and taverns that accommodated travelers that where heading inland from the coast. It became of lesser importance when the First New Hampshire came through town, which was on less hilly ground north of the old town center. The most notable family was the McClary's, who owned much of the land and did well by their mill operation. Later, Joseph Lawrence established himself as a large land owner and store operator, preceded by Thomas D. Merrill. Among other prominent families were Blake's, Locke's and Wallace's.
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